At Spero Academy, we believe that every child can learn, grow, and succeed when given the opportunity to reach his or her individual potential. Giving kids the best opportunity to reach their potential means creating an environment that supports their needs and encourages their growth. We do that at Spero through individualized instruction, occupational therapy, music therapy, speech therapy, and our social skills program (to name a few).
The environment and support children with autism receive at home is also crucially important to their development, success, and well-being. Raising a child with autism comes with many unexpected challenges. Without reliable resources to turn to, many parents feel unsure of how to address these challenges and create a home environment that promotes their child’s development.
We at Spero Academy are happy to be a resource for our students with autism and their famlies, but it can be helpful to have online resources and local communities you can also go to for advice, up-to-date information, and, support. These are a few of our favorite autism resources for parents:
Online Autism Resources
Autism Parenting Magazine
Autism Parenting Magazine is the leading magazine for parents of children with autism as well as professionals working with kids on the spectrum. They publish articles online and in their monthly print magazine on topics relevant to the day-to-day life and well-being of autistic children, such as communication, sleep, social skills, new research, and real life stories. The magazine features hundreds of contributors, including respected professionals, autism experts, parents of children on the spectrum, and adults with autism. Learn more.
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is a national nonprofit dedicated to promoting solutions across the spectrum and across the lifespan that support the needs of individuals with autism and their families. The organization hopes to accelerate a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow by advancing research into autism causes and interventions. On the Autism Speaks website, you can find parenting resources, information on the latest research, and how to get involved in upcoming events in your area.
Organization for Autism Research
The Organization for Autism Research (OAR) was founded in 2001 by seven individuals whose lives and families had been affected by autism. OAR’s mission is to apply research to the challenges of autism, addressing social, educational, and treatment concerns to improve day-to-day quality of life for children, parents, and families living with autism. On the OAR website, you’ll find resources for parents, caregivers, professionals, and self-advocates, along with information about the latest research and upcoming events.
Local Minnesota Autism Resources and Support Services
Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM)
AuSM is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the lives of Minnesotans with autism from birth to retirement through education, advocacy, and support. As a member of AuSM, you will be connected to the autism community in Minnesota and will have access to all sorts of support services, including skillshops, summer day camps, support groups, and special events. Learn more at
Minnesota Autism Center
The Minnesota Autism Center (MAC) is another local organization that provides therapeutic support for children, adolescents, and families affected by autism spectrum disorders. The MAC’s focus is working to reduce and eliminate the symptoms of autism through structured programs of applied behavioral therapy, but they also offer speech-language therapy, skills development, occupational therapy, and parent/sibling support groups. Learn more.
Art Shop
Children with autism or other disabilities are often left out of the creative process, but art is highly therapeutic for children of all dispositions and abilities. Learning fundamental art skills helps children develop skills that can translate into many other areas of life, such as increased attention span, problem solving, self-regulated behavior, self-confidence, and more. Art shop offers group and individual art classes customized for the student’s unique interests and goals. Learn more.
Spero Academy is a Supportive Community for Families Living With Autism
Autism is complex, and navigating the hundreds of treatment options, support services, therapies, and programs as a parent can be daunting. But you don’t have to do it alone. Spero Academy is a supportive community for children with autism, but also for their parents and families. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have throughout your journey.